
经典语录 2024-07-24 06:21:46 435



guy: this is called a brain. i think that's where ideas go.

thunk: dad, i don't have a brain.

"eep: my name's eep and this is my family, the croods. we never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule:

eep: never leave the cave.

grug: new is always bad. never not be afraid!

eep: we never had a chance to explore the outside world, but what we didn't know was that our world was about to change."

"[gran tries to eat belt, the sloth, but belt pulls a knife on gran.]

guy: don't do that. he's not food. he's a pet, my pet.

gran: what's a pet?

guy: an animal you don't eat

gran: we call those children.

eep: [smitten with guy] isn't this fun? we're taking our first trip together."

"grug: just think, our whole family packed together on a long, slow trip across country. we'll tell stories. we'll laugh. we'll become closer as a family.

[sandy, the baby, bites grug's face.]

grug: ah, get her off!

ugga: if you're not ready to challenge her then don't look her in the eye!

gran: could you keep your big giant arms on your side of the trail?!

grug: you want me to turn this family around? do you? because i will turn this family around so fast!

thunk: dad, i gotta go!

grug: come on, you can hold it.

gran: i'm not dying on an empty stomach.

ugga: ugh, we're all pretty tired.

grug: we'll eat when we get there.

gran: it's taking too long! i'm grabbing a snack."

"guy: we've gotta move faster. i call them shoes.

eep: [screams] i love them! where are my feet?"

"eep: oh, i've been in that cave forever!

grug: three days is not forever.

eep: it is with this family.

ugga: mom, we're ready to leave. mom?

gran: still alive!

grug: it's still early."

"grug: ideas are for weaklings."

"guy: who are you.

eep: oh! eep.

guy: let me clarify eep. the world is ending.

eep: what

guy: i am calling 'the end'"

"guy: i am guy.

eep: guy.

guy: and this is belt.

guy: cook, conversationalist, navigator.

guy: also keeps my pants up.

eep: what are pants up."

"guy: belt, emergency idea generator activate!"

"grug: never not be afraid."

"thunk: you need a name, i think i'll call you douglas. roll over douglas."

Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark,follow the light,then you can make it tomorrow! ——《疯狂原始人》Don't hide,live,and follow the light.(这是盖的家人对他说的那句)

算不上经典,只是印象比较深刻,小伊第一次见到火的时候说了句“Hi,fire.”第一次穿上鞋的时候说了句“where my feet?”
最经典的我觉得是“Now we don't call it alive, it's just not to die.-----我们现在不叫活着,只是还没有死去。”感悟挺深的 ,应该很多人都是这个状态。
还有最后一句“Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark,follow the lights,then you can find tomorrow!----不要躲避,不要害怕黑暗,向着太阳,你就能找到明天”

《疯狂原始人》(英语:The Croods)是2013年美国一部3D电脑动画电影。该影片由美国梦工厂动画公司制作,二十一世纪福克斯公司发行。电影由科克·德·米科和克里斯·桑德斯编剧并导演,由尼古拉斯·凯奇、艾玛·斯通、瑞恩·雷诺兹以及凯瑟琳·基纳配音。影片时间设定在史前时代,讲述了一个居住在山洞中的原始人家庭离开山洞的冒险旅行经历。影片在上映后得到了观众的好评,共取得了5.8亿美元的票房收入。

